Flower essences are liquid extracts made from the life force of a plant. They are vibrational substances that work with the electrical system, the interface mechanism operating between our soul and our body. You can take a flower essence directly in the mouth or in a glass of water.
They can be taken any time as they are not affected by coffee, alcohol, or food and may be used in combination with vitamins, herbs and homeopathics.
Rhododendron: Self-Trust
Rhododendron ponticum: hybr.
Family: Ericaceae.
Place of origin: garden hybrid: the type species comes from Asia Minor and was introduced into Europe circa 1763.
The Rhododendron essence reminds us to not be mesmerized by what is shiny and bright. There are many parts to the story. Nothing is ever finished or tidied up; there is simply a pause for reflection until the next stage. The essence encourages and supports that reflective pause. When daily busyness, noise and distractions threaten to overwhelm, the Rhododendron essence offers an antidote: a sacred hoop for us to be gentle with ourselves and to listen to our own inner voice. The essence supports letting go of the need to be part of the buzz and hum and helps us to trust: we have made the right choice for this time. The essence assists us with a soulful connection to one thing at a time and the courage to bring our stories home.
Sound: Tibetan ting sha Co-created at Summer Solstice June 21, 2011.
Order Here/Buy Now $18.00 Cdn. for a 15 ml (one half fluid ounce) bottle
Butterfly Bush: Celebration of the Sacred Familiar
Buddleja (Buddleia) davidii (B. variabilis)
Family: Buddlejaceae. Named after Rev Adam Buddle, English vicar and botanist (1660-1715).
Place of origin: Central and Western China; introduced into Europe by the French missionary David in 1864.
The Butterfly Bush essence reminds us that now is the time to celebrate the conscious and conscientious; the planters and the harvesters; the wanderers and the homebodies; the builders and the dismantlers; the judges and the judged: the holy ones. The essence encourages and supports celebration: the preparation, grounded anticipation, welcome and honouring. It helps us to respect tradition, ritual in the every day, and rites of passage, not out of a sense of duty, but for the joy of connecting to the familiar in daily life.
The Butterfly Bush essence offers support and insight at any time of day but especially at the entry point, morning, when it offers a balanced excitement for the day, a reverence for what’s here and current as well as a looking-forward-in-anticipation to being a whole and holy host, participant and honoree. The essence reminds us that while we may find great pleasure in preparing for guests, careful preparation and care of our surroundings is important to acknowledge to ourselves as recipients of Nature’s bountiful and precious gifts. Rather than haste, the Butterfly Bush essence guides a careful and focused approach to celebrating rites of passage and familiar daily occurrences that become sacred in the honouring. Every moment is one in which to give thanks.
Co-created close to the waning half moon on August 20, 2011 during Lughnasadh, the early autumn quarter of the year.
Order Here/Buy Now $18. Cdn. for a 15 ml (one half fluid ounce) bottle
Rose of Sharon: Inner Teacher
Althea; Rose of Sharon; Hibiscus syriacus (Althea frutex)
Family: Malvaceae. The Greek name for Mallow.
Place of origin: India and China; in Syria as a cultivated plant only; introduced in the late 16th century.
Rose of Sharon helps us to articulate our personal worth by tapping into our imagination of possibilities. The essence supports daydreams and night dreams from the subconscious and a metaphorical connection to learning about ourselves. Self-knowledge is revealed through inner hearing, our intuition, our paying attention to dreams and what crosses our path each day. We become leaders and teachers by connecting to our inner teachers and having learned about ourselves.
Co-created one day after the New Moon on August 29, 2011, during the early autumn quarter of the year called Lughnasadh.
Order Here/Buy Now $18 Cdn. for a 15 ml (one half fluid ounce) bottle
Writing Life
A combination made up of Rhododendron, Butterfly Bush, and Rose of Sharon, this flower essence was created for women in the Writing Life Circle to write about their lives and create a writing life. It is also Nature’s support for those writing on their own. The flower essence offers a sacred hoop for us to be gentle with ourselves and to listen to our own inner voice. The essence assists us with a soulful connection to one thing at a time and the courage to bring our stories home. It links us to the joy of connecting to the familiar in the every day. Self-knowledge is revealed through inner hearing, our intuition, our paying attention to dreams and what crosses our path each day. By communing with our inner teachers, we learn about ourselves.
Order Here/Buy Now $18 Cdn. for a 15 ml (one half fluid ounce) bottle
Camellia: Be Here Now
Camellia japonica: hybr.
Family: Theaceae. Named after Georg Josef Kamel.
Place of origin: East Asia: introduced in 1739.
Be here now is the mantra for the Camellia flower essence. The Camellia essence encourages non-doing, non-decision-making. There is nothing to do or decide right now. Be with what is and acknowledge those feelings, emotions and memories. The Camellia essence is an aid for meditation practice, for recalling dreams when first waking and for those moments in the day when all that is necessary is a few moments of respite. The essence encourages an awareness of feeling and letting things be. It is also an aid during body work such as Reiki, massage, chiropractic, reflexology and shiatsu. Right now, you are here. There is no need to go anywhere. The Camellia essence helps you to feel what you are feeling without judgment or the need to fix.
Co-created with Nature on the New Moon, April 28, 2014, a few days before the first day of Beltane, the summer quarter of the year.
To read about the making of the Camellia Flower Essence, read my blog here.
Order Here/Buy Now $18 Cdn. for a 15 ml (one half fluid ounce) bottle